Kamis, 04 November 2010

SMARIDASA UNDERCOVER mahakarya anak mahakam night concert guest star: five minutes, geisha, astrid
05-06 nvember pukul 19:00
tiket 65.000
makan, games, accesories

Minggu, 10 Oktober 2010

Sabtu, 18 September 2010

Mika-love today is on the move bby (?)

Hey hey hey selamat malam assalamu'alaikum semuanya nya nya
Besok masuk asrama niccc, sebelum masuk, posting dulu yuxx
Jadi hari ini saya seharian nggak di rumah, jalaaaan mulu. Dari nyari celana training, baju kaos, setrika, sampe hp. Yeah. Hp. For real. Hp saya berubah dari ini:
Jadi ini:

Saya tidak rela tidak tidak! Kenapa nggak diganti iphone aja siiiih *ngarep
Habis nyari peralatan begitulah, saya jalan sama best best friends. Bertemu di timezone, mereka mainan gitu. Aku mah nontonin aja. Teruuuus, mereka ngambil asian waffle yg udah dipesan selama 30 menit. Penekanan, 30 menit. Gimana nggak dingin tuh waffle ha ha
Mereka beli 2, tp makannya bareng-bareng. Kaya di emperan gitu deh. 

Malemnya, saya jalan sama keluarga. Nonton sih lebih tepatnya. Sammy's adventure. Ceritanya tentang kura-kura gitu deh. Bagus loh *promosi

Fyi, adekku punya sepatu baru. Gambarnya hiu!

Selasa, 14 September 2010

Hey you! Yes you. You? Sorry, my fault (?)

Tadi malem gw abis nostalgia bareng deye. Who is she?
Ini dia yang namanya deye. Nama aslinya patricia dwi yuliasih. Panggilannya deye. Kenapa deye? Tau dah 
Deye ini temen smp gw. Anaknya asik banget sumpah. Kalo mau nggilani, mending sama dia. Soalnya bener-bener nggilani ABIS. Sekarang dia sekolah di smansa balikpapan. AKSEL loh -__- katanya, dia udah nggak bisa nggilani lagi HA HA HA kasian deh.
Eh balik ke topik lagi yuxx
Sampe sekarang, gw masih amat sayang sumpahdeh nggak bohong sama spansa. More spesific #9sbi2010

Aw aw aw sayang kalian banget deh unyu


Aku tau artinya unyu \m/

Senin, 06 September 2010

Introducing me

I, I'm good at wasting time
I think lyrics need to rhyme
And you're not asking
But I'm trying to grow a moustache

I eat cheese, but only on pizza, please
And sometimes on a homemade quesadilla
Otherwise it smells like feet to me
And I, I really like it when the moon looks like a toenail
And I love you when you say my name

If you wanna know
Here it goes
Gonna tell you this
The part of me that'll show if you're close
Gonna let you see everything
But remember that you asked for it
I'll try to do my best to impress
But it's easier to let you take a guess at the rest
But you wanna hear what lives in my brain
My heart, will you ask for it, for your perusing?
At times confusing, slightly amusing
Introducing me

Doo doo, doo doo doo doo to
Doo doo, doo doo doo doo to
La la la la
La la la la la la la la, da

I never trust a dog to watch my food
And I like to use to the word "dude"
As a noun, or an adverb, or an adjective
And I've never really been into cars
I like really cool guitars and superheroes
And checks with lots of zeros on 'em
I love the sound of violins
And making someone smile

If you wanna know
Here it goes
Gonna tell you this
The part of me that'll show if you're close
Gonna let you see everything
But remember that you asked for it
I'll try to do my best to impress
But it's easier to let you take a guess at the rest
But you wanna hear what lives in my brain
My heart, will you ask for it, for your perusing?
At times confusing, possibly amusing
Introducing me

Well, you probably know more than you ever wanted to
So be careful when you ask next time

So if you wanna know
Here it goes
Gonna tell you this
The part of me that'll show if you're close
Gonna let you see everything
But remember that you asked for it
I'll try to do my best to impress
But it's easier to let you take a guess at the rest
But you wanna hear what lives in my brain
My heart, will you ask for it, for your perusing?
At times confusing, hopefully amusing
Introducing me

Doo doo, doo doo doo doo to
Doo doo, doo doo doo doo to
Doo doo doo doo

Introducing me 

Can i have one?
For being my friends, my best best friends.
Introducing, Toy's family! 

Sheriff woody

You're my favorite deputy
"Woody is a passionate guy who throws himself into every action. As soon as he has an instinctive thought like "I have to help them," or "I have to run away," he does it with 100-percent commitment. You gotta love that about anybody. What's great is that I get credit for the way the character and the humor come off. I have kids that are now in college come up to me and say, "when you told that neighbor kid to play nice, that really meant a lot to me."  -Tom Hanks

Buzz lightyear

To infinity and beyond!

Bo peep
Someone missing in the Toy Story 3 trailer? Bo Beep! Bo Peep and her sheep are adornments of Molly's bedside lamp. She was Woody's love interest in both first movies. It seems she will only appear in a video of the past, briefly in the home videos Mrs. Davis makes of Andy. Later on, Woody comments that she and toys like her were either given away or sold in garage sales. I haven't seen the movie yet, but I just hope they use this opportunity to have Woody be sad over the loss of her. It makes sense since she really wasn't Andy's toy, but Molly's. And it was something of when Molly was a baby, she no longer is a baby.


Slinky dog
Slinky Dog, also known as Slinky or Slink is a toy dachshund with a metal slinky for a mid-section, who speaks with a southern accent. Slinky's head, feet, and tail are plastic. 

Hamm, often known as Hamm the Piggy Bank, or on occasion as Evil Doctor Porkchop when used by Andy as a villain, is a wise-cracking realist piggy bank with a cork in his belly (to replace his original stopper which was lost prior to Toy Story). He and Mr. Potato Head appear to be best friends, as they are often seen playing games and clapping hands with each other whenever something spectacular happens. Also, Hamm takes a dislike to the chicken mascot of Al's Toy Barn, especially when he later realizes that Al McWhiggin, the mascot and owner of Al's Toy Barn, as well as the crooked yard sale customer who stole Woody, are the same man. Out of all the toys, he is shown to have the most knowledge of the outside, often being very familiar with different technologies or devices that are shown.

Potato head